X2 BBS Soil (Ceramic gravel)
BBS CRYSTAL SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL has many benefits compared to other aquarium plant and soil substrates. It is made from the highest quality volcanic ash found in Japan.
- **Promotes stable water quality**:
- BSS CARIDINA SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL volcanic ash material, with additives, will effectively control and time release the concentration of nitrate (NO3). This assists in avoiding the poisoning of Caridina shrimp due to long-term exposure of high levels of nitrate (NO3). The proper time released levels of NO3 is necessary for healthy plant growth.
- BBS CARIDINA SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL also acts to buffer the ph to necessary levels to breed and keep Caridina shrimp.
- **Promotes shrimp growth**:
- BBS CARIDINA SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL is also beneficial for Caridina shrimp growth. It also enhances the growth of shrimplets and aquarium plants. Our research shows that by using BBS CARIDINA SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL, shrimp and plants grow faster than with other aquarium substrate soils we tested. It provides the ideal environment for Caridina shrimp to breed and grow.
Choosing the right substrate material is essential for the success of starting a stable aquarium environment for Caridina shrimp keeping. BBS CARIDINA SHRIMP AND PLANT SOIL has become the first choice for many aquarium lovers. It is chosen for its excellent stability and ease of use. With proper water management and use of this specialized volcanic ash material, the growing and breeding of Caridina shrimp can be easily achieved. This allows you to enjoy the wonderful world of aquariums and shrimp keeping!!!